Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring is Here!

spring officially started yesterday. unfortunately, the first day of spring didn't come with it.

my kids were so happy that spring is here that they seem to be oblivious to the fact that the huge pile of snow in our front yard still hasn't melted. they seem to be oblivious to the fact that the weather is still -18C outside. they are just really excited.

i am excited too. if there is one thing i look forward to, its the change of seasons. since we got here, we've experienced 9 season changes. and up to now, the change of season still amuses me. everytime i see it, its still like seeing it for the first time.

i love the change that comes with each season. the change in weather. the environment. the activities. the clothes. the decor. the fruits. even our street changes its look. right now, it is lined with pine trees. but come spring, new trees will line our street. it is so amazing how our street transforms. and i am equally amazed at the fact that even the placement of trees was well thought of by the people who designed our street.

yes, we look forward to spring and everything that comes with it. flowers, pink trees, spring cleaning, garage sales, and road trips to name a few.

it is unfortunate however that the official start of the season doesn't always coincide with the first day of the season. while the groundhogs had predicted an early spring this year, the winter weather doesnt seem to want to leave yet. at least not for a couple more weeks. prompting our local newspaper to say... "groundhogs, you're fired!"


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