Monday, June 30, 2008

A Lot About L

this is a long overdue tag from a simple life. thanks liza!

Name 10 things that start with L.

1. Love - can't live without it
2. Laughter - life without laughter is no life
3. Life - live life with love and laughter
4. Ladybug - my daughter's favorite bug
5. Lion - my son's favorite animal
6. London - a place i would like to visit one time
7. Library - my kids' favorite hangout
8. Letters - i love sending and receiving letters
9. Lychees - one of the fruits i love
10. Leather - i love the feel of leather

I'm now tagging - Wife of a Warrior, Weng's Thing, Vanity Treats, Treasures in Life and The Rantings and Whinings of a Princess

Impromptu Trips

since moving to canada, people have one constant question for me - "what do you like most about canada?"

and i only have one answer for them - "the ease of traveling."

from my experience, traveling from the philippines and traveling from canada are very different. when we were in the philippines, traveling to the US would require months of preparation. since the US was far from the philippines and plane fare from the philippines to the US is kinda costly, we would maximize our trip by having long vacations and by squeezing as many places as humanely possible to see. and as we all know, long vacations from the office require at least a month's notice.

in canada, however, we can decide to travel at a moment's notice. and because it is so close to us, we do not need to have long vacations nor do we need to take a leave from the office.

i remember one particular time last summer. we only realized that it was going to be a long weekend after hubby came home from work on a friday. he asked what we wanted to do for the long weekend. impulsively, we thought, why don't we go to new york tomorrow? and then off we went to new york the following morning.

that night, prior to packing our things, i went online and googled online travel guides to check out things to do in new york. since it was my kids' first time to be in new york, we wanted them to have a varied experience of the city. in my search for places to see, i stumbled upon Trusted Tours & Attractions. they have a list of 40 new york city attractions which you can visit for free and even have special discounted tickets which you can actually print from home. it was so convenient.

i went through the list and ticked off the things i thought my children would love to see. we took them to see the statue of liberty, times square, the empire state building, the metropolitan museum of art, and the rockefeller center. each attraction was thoroughly enjoyed by my children.

for a very impromptu trip to new york city, trusted tours and attractions certainly helped me in planning out a very memorable trip for my children. and since they offer discounted tickets to the best sightseeing tours in 23 cities across america, i will definitely visit their site again when i go look for things to do in chicago.

so if you are currently planning your next vacation and looking for ideas on what to do, sign up now for the Trusted Travels eNewsletter and you just might win a handheld GPS. their offer ends June 30th, 2008, so better sign up right now!

Canada's Point System: Adaptability

this is the last installment on my series on canada's point system...

adaptability is how well you or your dependents can adjust to life in canada. if you can show that you have what it takes to adjust to life here, you will get a maximum of 10 points. you will be awarded points based on the following factors:

1. your spouse or common law partner's educational level
you can get a maximum of 5 points depending on your spouse or common-law partner's level of education. the points are distributed as follows:

a. high school diploma or less - 0 points
b. one-year diploma, trade certificate, apprenticeship or university degree and at least 12 years of full-time studies or full-time equivalent studies - 3 points
c. a 2 or 3-year diploma, trade certificate, apprenticeship or university degree and at least 14 years of full-time or full-time equivlent studies - 4 points
d. a master's degree or PhD and at least 17 years of full time or full time equivalent studies - 5 points

2. previous work experience in canada
you get 5 points if you or your spouse/common-law partner have previously worked full-time in canada for at least a year on a valid work permit.

3. previous study in canada
you get 5 points if you or your spouse/common-law partner have previously studied full-time in canada for at least 2 years on a valid study permit. this study should have occurred after you or your spouse/common-law partner were 17 years old.

4. arranged employment in canada
you get 5 points if you have a ready employer to work for when you land in canada.

5. relatives in canada
you get 5 points if you or your accompanying spouse/common-law partner have a relative who lives in canada and is a canadian citizen or a permanent resident. relatives include - parents, grandparent, child, grandchild, child of a parent, sibling, child of a grandparent, aunt or uncle, grandchild of a parent, niece or nephew.

in computing for your points, please note that you can only get a maximum of 10 points for adaptability. you can only count points from each factor either for you or for your spouse/common-law partner but not for both.

if you want to take the complete self-assessment, click here.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Blog Hopping

one of the thrills of blog hopping is discovering blogs that prove to be either interesting or useful. i am especially fond of blogs that teach me something new or give me a different take on ordinary things.

today, i discovered a car blog which i am sure hubby is going to love. and if you are like hubby who goes gaga over cars, then i am sure you would go gaga over this car blog too.

they have an extensive assortment of articles which are informative as well as entertaining. and a forum which anyone can join for free. the forums are vehicle specific which makes it easier to connect with people interested in the same vehicle.

yes, it's nice to blog hop. everyday i discover new blogs. and learn something new.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

My New Look in My New House

i finally got my own domain name! woohoo! and i have my new look to match it.

i have been thinking about going dot com for quite sometime now and today, i finally made the leap. finally purchased my own domain name.

to those who have exchanged links with me, i would appreciate it very much if you could please update my link.

when i started blogging, i was hesitant to purchase my own domain because while the concept of blogging appealed to me, i didn't want to commit to it until i take it for a test drive.

i believe the test drive is over. i have purchased my dot com. and i am here to stay. :)

10 Years Ago

Got this tag from Pinaywifespeaks...

The rules are posted at the beginning. At the end of the post, the player tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leave a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.

1. What was I doing 10 years ago? i was a career driven woman working in HR in the phils with zero knowledge that i would end up in canada one day and be a stay at home mom.

2. What are 5 things on my to-do list today?

1. work!
2. create an invitation for my daughter's bday party
3. finalize the video clip for my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary
4. meet up with a neighbor (long overdue date)
5. blog

3. Snacks I enjoy:

i am currently addicted to samosas, chips and pizza

4. Places I’ve lived:

Manila, Davao, Toronto

5. Things I’d do if I were a billionaire:

* hmm...

6. People I want to know more about:

* new friends i've met in my new environment :)

I’m tagging the following bloggers because I’d really like to know more about them.. In My Crazy Beautiful World, Island Paradise, Jamie's Thoughts, Journey to Life, KateLove's, Of Colors and Styles and Twisted Tomato

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Too Early For Halloween

it is only june and yet my kids are already thinking of halloween costumes! yikes! not that i have anything against halloween. but isn't it way too early?

when my kids were much younger and we were still in the philippines, finding a good halloween costume was definitely an effort. at that time, there were very few options and only selected stores sell them.

in canada, however, it is a different matter. costumes are abundant both offline and online. the difficulty is not in finding a costume but in finding 'the' costume.

the fun part for me is checking out the costumes. i normally search the web to check out my options. i go through several websites. some funny. some cute. some scary. some very common.

of all the websites i have visited to date, it was costume cauldron that caught my attention.

and it isn't because they have hot, sexy costumes. haha!

it caught my attention because they have the most absurd costumes. seriously! they have costumes that i cannot imagine anyone would actually want to wear. let alone buy. check out baby doll betty to see what i mean.

that is something i will never choose to wear. at all. for a couple of reasons. i can't even bring myself to post the picture here! i wonder if they get to sell that costume at all. would people actually enter their website looking for the baby doll betty costume? haha!

since i can't bring myself to post a picture of baby doll betty here, i will just show you two photos which i believe are a tamer and funnier version -

but aside from a couple of really ridiculous costumes, they do have quite a nice and varied selection of costumes. among my favorites are -

it's pretty cool how they created the illusion of a gorilla carrying the man in the cage. or of the clown appearing to walk on his hand. if you crave attention this halloween, these are the costumes that would definitely do it for you.

as for me, i have chosen the costume i want. and i am buying it from them. but i am not telling you which one it is. :D

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Are You On Auto-Pilot?

i was in a friend's house the other day.

he was up preparing food when i noticed that his playstation was left open in the basement. so i went up and told him about it.

he casually said that he really left it on. "what?! why would you do that? isn't that such a waste of electricity?"

"no. because i'm playing." "how can you be playing? you're not playing. you're up here, cooking."

"i AM playing. it's on auto-pilot." "WHAT?!?! it's on what?!"

"it's on auto-pilot. i have programmed it to play while i am cooking."

ok. i am floored. i am seriously floored. i totally did not expect that answer. is this a guy thing? am i not understanding it because i'm not a guy? because honestly, i don't see the point.

where is the fun in playing when you are not physically playing it? how can you feel the excitement of achieving a high score or the thrill of getting to a new level when you are not physically playing the game?

if you can relate to this auto-pilot thing (which i obviously cannot relate to), please let me know. i am curious to know how many people actually go on auto-pilot on their playstation. explain to me. and convince me why it is "fun."

because to me, the only thing "fun" about going on auto-pilot is being able to say, "i reached level 75 while cooking chicken."


I got tagged by Can of Thoughts with this fun question and answer game. It's a very simple game, just follow some few rules:

1. Add your blog/s to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. It’s okay if you only post this question in one blog as long as you answer them.

2. Get back to YEN and will add your blogs to the master’s list here! Yup, another linking thingy but this one has 15 questions and you get to enjoy answering them too!

3. Tag as many friends online you know. But you don’t need to be tagged in order to join.


1. When you buy a greetings card, are the words or the picture more important to you? definitely the words.

2. What’s your favorite kind of cake? chocolate

3. Do you ever make gifts for people, if so what, or do you buy them? sometimes i make, sometimes i buy. depends on my mood, my time, and who i will give it to. special people deserve my labor of love. :)

4. What’s your favorite holiday? christmas! i love christmas. i love christmas in the philippines.

5. Are you going on holiday this year? yes. we always have mini-vacations every long weekend.

6. What was the best party you’ve ever been to? wow.. there's a lot..

7. If you are married, describe your wedding. If not, what would your ideal wedding be like? we had the usual, traditional wedding at sanctuario de san antonio and reception at manila peninsula.

8. What’s the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to you? hmm... i have a huge smile on my face just thinking about it. :D

9. What’s your favorite girl’s name? Bianca

10. What’s your favorite boy’s name? uh...

11. Which celebrity would you like a dream date with? Right now? brad pitt. on second thought, i think i would enjoy a date with mcdreamy more. haha!

12. Which female celebrity do you find beautiful? there's a lot of them...

13. Which male celebrity do you think is attractive? yikes! a lot!

14. What is your best character trait? always doing my best in whatever i do

15. What is your worst habit? wanting to do too many things at the same time

The List:

1. Me and Mine 2.Creative In Me 3.Little Peanut 4. Pea in a Pod 5. Sugar Magnolias 6. 6. A Life in Bloom 7. Because Life is a Blessing 8. Nita’s Random Thoughts 9. Nita’s Corner 10. Nita’s Ramblings 11. Thomas Web Links 12. Thomas Travel Tales 13. Great Finds and Deals 14. Make Money Online 15. Recipe Collections 16. My Wandering Thoughts 17. Filipino Online Community 18. Famous Lyrics Collections 19. Thomas Digital Services 20. Bohol Paradise 21. PRC Board Exam Results 22. My Paperless Writings 23. As The World Turns 24. My BIG Picture 25. When Silence Speaks 26. Felicity’s Vision 27. Bienvenue `a la Noryfel 28. Inday’s Kitchen 30. My Life 31. My Life in this Wonderful World! 32.Me,Myself+2 33.FunFierceFabulous 34. Supermodel Wannabe 35. kathycot dot com 36. 37. In Depth 38. My so called Life 39. Life's Impression 40. Vhiel's Corner 41. Anything and Everything in Between 42. Designs By Vhiel 43. Can of Thoughts 44. Artsy Creatures 45. Click Here To Forward 46. Filipino in Canada 47.Your blog here...

I am tagging... Exciting Stuff, Faery Dancing, From the Eyes of My Heart, Hailey's Beats and Bits, Heap Up, and Hideout Getaway

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Are You on Social Spark?

i also recently joined socialspark, the newest baby of IZEA.

socialspark is social community where bloggers and advertisers meet. it is like payperpost, friendster, stumble upon and google analytics all rolled into one. this means that on this site, you will be able to take paid opportunities like in payperpost, add friends like in friendster, prop and be propped back like in stumble upon and have all your blog statistics on hand like in google analytics. pretty neat huh? it's like having a one-stop shop. and i am loving it that way.

and among all its features, it is the analytics that i am loving the best. i like knowing who visits my blog, their gender and their age range. i like knowing my real rank and alexa rank. my top referrers and my top outgoing links. yes, i love knowing my stats. and i am constantly trying to improve them.

the only thing i have heard that other bloggers do not like about this site is that payment for the opportunities decline. opportunities that started out at $20 per post can go down to $5. that is a big difference. and unfortunately, the decline in payment does not equal a decline in requirements. if you think about it, somehow, it doesn't seem fair.

i would say that in anything you join, always balance the good with the bad. decide whether it is for you or not. and then make your decision. to join or not to join.

if you do decide to create your profile in socialspark, please take time to drop by my profile. add me as a friend, give me and my blog a prop, and i will definitely prop you back.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Paying for Torture

i accompanied my kids to the dentist yesterday.

as i was waiting outside the waiting room, a little girl around 7 or 8 years old, came out from the dental room and was on her way out the door when she was stopped by her mom.

her mom told her, "wait, let me pay first." to which her daughter replied, "what?!?! you actually have to pay for this?? you pay to torture me?!"

all the mommies in the waiting room couldn't help but laugh.

prior to coming here, one of the things that people warned us about was the high cost of dental services. while medical services are free in canada, dental services are definitely not. and they can be pretty expensive.

just how expensive are they? i took my 2 kids in for their regular cleaning and xray and i paid a little over $450 total.

it was a good thing we were warned as i was able to include that in our "list of things to do before migrating." i paid my trusty, dependable dentist over at asian hospital a visit before flying off. had everything done before leaving and just have regular check ups here.

so, to those intending to migrate here, make sure you pay your dentist a visit before flying off. you will be glad you did.

See the Philippines

My Lakbayan grade is C!
How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out at Lakbayan!
Created by Eugene Villar.

thank you Mckhoii for this tag! appreciate it much.

So how much of the Philippines have you travelled? Add your links here:

1) mind bubbles, 2) may 3) VANITY KIT 4) SOMETHING PURPLE 5) A DETOUR 6) Big Eyed Gal 7) The Chronic Shopper 8) My Inner Thoughts Revealed 9) DeCaFFeiNaTed 10) BaReFooTeD Me 11) Puzzled Me 12) joanjoyce 13.) Mckhoii 14) Filipino in Canada 15)Your link here

Tagging: Daily Rounds, Daystar Shine On Me, Eida's Jungle, Em's Exposure, Everything is Simply Amazing, Everything That Has Breathe Praise the Lord, Everything Under The Sun and Everything's Here

Favorite Summer Clothes

it is almost summer time and the hot weather is starting to make its presence felt.

after a long season of heavy and layered clothing, everyone certainly welcomes the change. my kids are enjoying the warm breeze and are enjoying the fact that they are able to wear lighter clothing.

on an average warm day, you would see my daughter wearing either a dress or a skirt while my son chooses to wear pants to cover his legs from the heat and to protect it from possible scratches which he could get from playing with his friends.

hubby on the other hand, prefers wearing shorts on hot days. he likes shorts with multiple pockets to accommodate the stuff he regularly brings - wallet, cellphone, keys, gps and an occasional small toy that the kids ask him to bring. regular pockets are just not enough.

so it is very fortunate that we found the 5.11 tactical shorts. not only does it have multiple pockets, but it is also durable and designed to carry bulky items. for someone who carries a lot around, the 5.11 tactical shorts is a practical solution. i could see that this 5.11 tactical shorts would definitely make it to hubby's list of favorite clothes.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Planting Grass

did you know that grass shouldn't be cut too short? i certainly didn't know that. and i had to learn it the hard way.

i only found out about this tiny bit of info when our grass in the front lawn died. yup. dead. brown. dried. it was definitely an ugly sight. especially since ours was the only one on our street suffering from that state.

i was really embarrassed so i pestered hubby to do something about it. either hire someone to do it or try do it himself. but hubby was feeling up to the challenge and decided to give it a try.

and so he did. he bought his gardening tools and worked on our front lawn.

first he took off all the dead grass and then aerated the soil. he then scattered the grass seeds and raked it in.

barren soil

we watered the lawn twice a day for the next 7 days and on the 8th day, we could already see some seedlings.

sprouts of grass

we continued on watering until the grass thickened.


and now it looks like this -


it may not look perfect but the fact that hubby's first attempt at planting grass was a success was enough to make me feel happy.

the things we learn in canada are the things we take for granted in the philippines.

Now a Part of the PPP Family

i discovered payperpost almost as soon as i started blogging. it wasn't difficult "discovering" it as most bloggers are already a part of this extremely popular community.

and while i have known about payperpost for quite sometime, it has only been recently that i submitted my blog for approval. needless to say, it was approved. woohoo! bring out the party hats!

so why didn't i apply earlier? because payperpost does not approve all blogs. and i wanted to be sure that i get approved when i do apply. so i waited for my blog to age. i posted more articles. and i tried to improve my ranking.

payperpost, to me, is like icing on a cake. to do something you enjoy is a good thing and getting paid for it is definitely an added bonus.

i am really excited about this and i am looking forward to receiving opportunities to "blog about the things i love."

truth be known, i haven't actually thought of what i'd do with the extra money but one thing's for sure, it will definitely come in handy.

so, if you haven't caught the PPP bug yet, come and join the rest of us who are earning while doing something we love. come and get paid to blog like me.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Friendship Around the World

thank you of colors and styles for tagging me with this.

::Start Copy Here::

1. Copy from ::Start Copy Here:: through ::End Copy Here::.
2. Add your blog to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. Just make sure to post this to each of the blog you added in the list.
3. Tag other online friends you know.You don’t need to be tag in order to join. If you want to join just post this one in your blog.
4. Let me know your blog’s name and url by leaving me a comment HERE. I will add you to the master list.That way, everyone is happy and can meet new friends too!

5. Come back once in a while to get the master list! Let’s see how this makes our Technorati and PR goes up! :D
6. DO NOT REMOVE THIS: scrap page made by Yen. Using alphas and tapes from Kate H., flowers from Ida,paper by Catrine.

1. Me and Mine 2.Creative In Me 3.Little Peanut 4. Pea in a Pod 5. Sugar Magnolias 6.Because Life Is Fun 7. Piece o’Kaje 8. Mon a Bric 9. Celebrate Life 10.My Journey11. Deeply In Love 12. Pink and Brown Diaries 13. Happyheart 14. Wilstop 15. Fun|Fierce|Fab 16. Nita’s Random Thoughts 17. Nita’s Corner 18. Thomas Web Links 19. Thomas Travel Tales 20. Make Money Online 21. Great Finds and Deals 22. PRC Board Exam Results 24. My Wandering Thoughts 25. Nita’s Ramblings 26. Just Me.. Eds 27. Etc Atbp 28. When Silence Speaks 29. Juliana’s Lair 30. Juliana’s World 31. Juliana’s Library 32. Blessed Chic 33. Can of Thoughts 34. Hailey’s Domain 35. Hailey’s Beats and Bits 36. ISL family 37. Arbitrary Thoughts 38. D’ Cooking Mudra 39. My Big Picture 40. Dancing in Midlife Tune 41. Blessings In Life 42. My Colorful World 43. Dare to Blog 44. Life Realities 45. WebGeek Journal DotNet 46. WebGeek Journal 47. Let’s Travel Philippines 49. MY DAILY THOUGHTS AND MOODS 50. A Sweet Taste Of Life 51. My Life in this Wonderful World! 52. Denz Techtronics 53. Denz Recreational 54. Surviving Deplyoment 55. Ester’s Raptured Dreams 56. Nipa Hut 57.Picture Clusters 58. My Wanderings 59.Maiylah’s Snippets 60. EuLehKulit 61. Life Quest 61.Being a wife. Being a Mom. 62. MoMie SPace 63.Woman Xplore 64. PinayWAHM 65. Agring’s Simply Digital 66. Agring’s Home & Garden 67. Agring’s Homecooking & Baking 68. Agring’s Electronics & Entertainments 69. Scrap Addict Sundays 70. Mommy Talks 71. Aggie Scraps 72.Teacher’s Corner 73. My Drift 74. lancernews 75. My so called Life 76. See Me for what You Will… 77. 78. 79. All about Mye life 80. Everything has a Reason 81. Life’s Impression 82. Some Thoughts I have 83. Life’s Lessons 84. Just Let Go 85. Pieces Of Me 86. Winding Creek Circle 87. BOTH SIDES NOW 88. Happy Life 89. Blessed Sanctuary 90.Confessions of an Army Life 91. moms….. check nyo 92. Mommy’s Little Corner 93. Wanna Be SuperModel 94. Gandacious 95. Jo-Jo’s Place 96.My Quiet Zone 97. Proud PINAY 98. Simply Jen 99. Jenny Said So 100. A Slice of Life 101. My Blog 102. TIP OF AN ICEBERG 103. Coffee Cup Princess 104. Deranged Insanity 105. Just Another Day 106. Stev & Emz Journey 107.Runaway THoughts of Emz 108. Heart of Rachel 109. Nora’s Notes 110. In the Life Of Mne 111. In my Kitchen 112. Nyumix’s Blog 113. Everything’s Here 114.Out of Nowhere 115. My Simple World 116. Seek Health. Feel Great 117. Smile Puppies 118. Almanacqueen 119. The Life of an Outback Pinay 120. Dancing With Butterflies 121. My Treasures 122. Everything Green 123. 124. Memoirs of a Filipina 125. The Pit Gadgetry! 126. My Daily Life Experience 127. Married and Happy About It 128. My Discoveries 129. iCreate+iDeas 130. My Healthy Living Journal 131. Busy Moms Cook 132. Christian Weekends 133. Reflexes 134. Caramel Corn 135. Sunny Side Up Foodie 136. A Mothers Horizon 137. Bits and Pieces 138. Whats Up! 139. Simply Me 140. Life and Me 141. A Handful of Surprises 142. Anything and Everything in Between 143. from here and beyond 144. The Nameless Blog 145. Exploring Asia 146. Malaya 147. Swan Portraits 148. BUSYNESSWORLD 149. Sprawt 150. Thinking Consciously? 151. BLOGSILOG 152. Cherry’s Comfort Zone 153. DigiScrapz: Captured Memories 154. Buzzy Me 155. Thinking Out Loud 156. Wishing and Hoping 157. Jobs for Davao 158. Jobs for Cebu 159. Filipino Jobs Abroad 160. PRC Board Exam Results 161. Nakedminds 162. Personal 163. Interesting 164. squeeshies 165. Shenzee’s World 166. Geekyology 167. Swanportraits 168. Rumination Under the Clouds 169. In My Home by Ria aka Msculit 170. It’s my Party (and I’ll cry if I want to…) by Ria aka Msculit 171. Malaya 172. Cheese: Jherson84 173. Beans: Jherson 174. EP Treasures 175. Republic of A 176. Nora’s Family Treasures 177. Points of View (Discussion Blog) 178. Gala Tayo! 179. Lucky Peso 180. Buhay Pinoy 181. Pinay Mommy’s Love Blog 182. MOMEMO 183. OnlineBiz and Resources 184. Lourdes’ Mia 185. Pinay Mommy’s DigiScrap and Musings in Life 186. Pinay Mommy Online 187. ‘nna 188. My Sweet Escape 189. The Next Chapter 190. Painted Life 191. Petty Ramblings of a Petty Queen 192. The Real Deal 193. My Beautiful Life 194. Berry Blog 195. A Tsinay Blog 196. A Celebration of Life 197. My everything. 198. Gamay and Dako Adventures 199. Ester’s Daily Thoughts 200. Choc Mint Girl 201. I AM KCAT 202. RanZ-Goodies 203. RanZ-Famous 204. A Time to Weep and a Time to Laugh 205. Surviving the Circus of Life 206. The Nook207. Allen’Wifey 208. Fern’s Backyard 209. Amor’s Blog - My Place in Cyberspace 210. The Other Side of Me 211. Stylishbabe111407 212. The Inner Shopper 213. TheGeneralInfoBlog 214. my angels world 215. Pinoy Raket Online 216. My Life 217. BloggingInMyPyjamas 218. Baby Shern 219. Mariel 220. So Real 221. Okay, I am Arms and this is my blog 222. Lucid Creativity 223. Read my Mind 224.A Simple Life 225. My debt blog 226.1stopmom’s blog 227.Mommy Gamer 228. My First One Million Pesos 229. Mindless Thought 230. MommyandMe Boutique 231. My Life’s Labyrinth 232. 100% Kelly 233. Of Colors And Styles 234. KadusMama 235. The Maven 08 235. Rainbows 236. My freehand 237. Sentiments of a Effed-Up Man 238. Princess Vien 239. My freehand 240. Confessions of an Enchanting Princess 241. Marites-Pinay Heart Wanderings and Musings 242. Me, the Islands and the World243. Leaf In Deforest 244. MAX 245. Lhedy 246. Making sense..(somehow) 247. Our Life Together 248. The Chic Shopaholic 249. In Depth 250. That Blog 4 Me 251. A Nice Thought 252. Live it Up! 253. Filipino in Canada

::End Copy Here::

Wow Pinoy!, Words on the Tip of My Tongue, When Mom Talks...No More Problem, Truth Unedited and Treasures in Life.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Canada's Point System: Arranged Employment

still on canada's point system...

having arranged employment at the time of your application will help you earn points. but unlike the other factors in canada's point system, this factor does not give you a range of points. it's either you get it or you don't. it's 10 points or nothing.

so how do you score 10 points?

a. you are currently working in canada and have a temporary work permit.
you can score 10 points if your work permit is valid at the time of your visa application and issuance and if your employer has offered to hire you indefinitely when your visa is issued.

b. you are currently working in canada in a job that does not require confirmation from the human resources and social development canada (hrsdc).
you can score 10 points if your work permit is valid at the time of your visa application and issuance and if your employer has offered to hire you indefinitely when your visa is issued. an example of such a scenario would be intra-office transfers.

c. you are not currently working in canada, do not have a work visa and have no plans of working in canada before your visa gets approved.
you can score 10 points if you are able to secure a full-time job offer which has been approved by the hrsdc and your employer offers to give you a permanent job when your visa is issued. you must also meet all required Canadian licensing or regulatory standards associated with the job offer.

In all the above situations, it is your employer's responsibility to obtain confirmation from hrsdc regarding a job offer.

if you want to take the complete self-assessment, click here.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Nominated for Blog of the Week!

this blog has been nominated for blog of the week.

if you enjoy reading my posts, please show your support and give me some love by voting for me here.

you may vote once everyday for the whole week.

thank you friends! enjoy your weekend! :)

What A Rose Can Say


A rose can say I love you and want you to be mine,
A rose can say I thank you for being so very kind,
A rose can say congratulations, whatever the occasion may be,
A rose can say I miss you and wish you were here with me,

A rose can say I’m sorry if I’ve hurt you in any way,
A rose can say get well soon, May God bless you today,
A rose can say I wish you happiness, and the best for you each day.
A rose can say farewell when someone goes away,

A rose can say hello, I’m thinking of you today,
There’s just so many wonderful things that a rose can say,
A rose can say goodbye when a love one is laid to rest,
No matter what there is to say, a rose can say it best.

Thanks Vannie! I know this is long overdue. I am now passing this on to Can of Thoughts, Capturing the Moments, Charmed Blossoms, Cherokee's Dwelling Place, Color your life with thoughts… and Colorful World of Shiela

Friday, June 6, 2008

Can You Tell Me How to Get... How to Get to Sesame Street?

sunny day... sweeping the clouds away... on my way to where the air is sweet... can you tell me how to get... how to get to sesame street?

Sesame Place

we went to sesame place recently. and unexpectedly. meaning no plans to go there but suddenly found ourselves there. we slept the previous night without any plans of going to pennsylvania and woke up the following day thinking, "let's go to sesame place!"

if there is one thing i love about living in canada, it is the relative ease by which we can see new places. you can just literally grab your bags and go.

and so we headed to pennsylvania which is about 9 hours from toronto. and went to see big bird, elmo and the rest of the gang. the place was nice. though not as big as disneyland.

Sesame Place

plant sculptures showcasing the different sesame street characters are scattered around the park.

Sesame Place

and they also had their own version of the hollywood walk of fame where each of the characters had either their hands or feet immortalized.

Sesame Place

almost half the park is devoted to water fun which the kids would have enjoyed had we brought their swimsuits. but since it was an impromptu outing without prior research, we didn't know we had to bring their swimsuits.

so we stayed dry. or at least we tried to stay dry. but after lunch, the rain poured. and sesame had to close most of their rides as well as the water park (not that they had a lot of rides). and cancel the parade too.

so we amused ourselves taking photos with the characters roaming around. and watched indoor shows. and ate. and took more photos.

its a good thing they have the sunny day guarantee and gave us a free day pass to come back anytime within the year. so, next time the kids get bored, guess where we are going? sesame place!

and the highlight of the trip? hubby dancing pearly shells with the whole gang of sesame street. check it out!

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